
Health and lifestyle check

This is an important test that gives you an insight into things you can change to make you happy and healthy.

Finger-prick blood
20 tests included
3 days turnaround



About Health and lifestyle check

What is the health and lifestyle check?

How you feel is affected by a wide range of factors that contribute to health and wellbeing. Some of these factors may be genetic but many are within your control. Diet, exercise and lifestyle choices don’t just affect the way you look and feel, they have a drastic effect on many processes in the body which can be measured by changes in biomarkers. The health and lifestyle check offers an overview of markers of health affected by your lifestyle including kidney and liver function, cholesterol levels and nutritional information.

Why take the test?

The health and lifestyle check offers an overview of markers of health affected by your diet and lifestyle, giving you an insight into things you can change to make you happy and healthy.


What's tested

Inflammation Marker

Cholesterol Status

Iron Status

Liver Function


Kidney Function


How it works



Purchase your Kit

Just order a test online and get your kit delivered right to your door unless you are ordering a COVID-19 Fit to Fly test where you will be given appointment options to attend our clinics across the United Kingdom for a nose and throat swab PCR test at the checkout stage.



Take your test and post

Follow our simple instructions to take your sample and post back the enclosed prepaid envelope to our accredited lab for processing. We also offer home or workplace visits by a qualified nurse. For COVID-19 Fit to Fly tests you must attend one of our partner clinics for our trained collection officers to take your sample. You will then have the results emailed to you.



Get results directly to your dashboard

You will receive an email notification from our medical team when your results are available on your secure personalised health dashboard.
